In the face of hard emotional, physical and financial circumstances, it takes remarkable effort to apply for and get through educational programs and develop career stability for single parents and their children. This kind of success doesn’t happen alone, or overnight, and there are significant challenges to overcome.

We need your help.

Bring the promise of education to single parents. 

“We like the model – it’s not a BandAid or quick fix but a program, with hard work and perseverance, that provides a lifelong pathway to meaningful employment and enhanced self-esteem.”

Max and Judy Elliott, Paragon Society Members

Giving Options

Bring the power of your dollars to our single-parent families. Project Self-Sufficiency breaks the cycle of poverty from generation to generation by providing pathways to careers that matter. You are an essential partner in our work.

Give one time or monthly by setting up a recurring gift. It’s easy and reduces direct mailing costs and staff time, allowing more investment to go toward program elements. It also helps level out the cyclical nature of our cash flow, allowing for better planning and program stability.

Give with Confidence

We are an IRS-designated 501(c)(3) organization, so all of your gifts are tax deductible. We are an accredited charity of the Better Business Bureau Accredited Charity, received four stars from Charity Navigator, and are a GuideStar – Gold Participant. In 2016, Project Self-Sufficiency became the first nonprofit in Northern Colorado to receive the Better Business Bureau Torch Award for Ethics, validating our long history of ethics and integrity.

If you would like to make a year-end gift to be counted as a 2023 donation, please postmark or drop off in our Loveland office by 5pm Thursday, December 28th or donate online with a credit card by midnight, December 31st.

Project Self-Sufficiency does not do this work alone. As a supporter, YOU are an invaluable partner. Together, we are transforming the lives of our single parent families, and also our community, by bringing the power of education to single parents.

Join the PowerCircle

Our newest donor society honors our monthly recurring donors. A recurring, monthly gift of $15 or more (or $180/year) ensures that our program remains as resilient as the single parents with whom we work.

Belonging to the PowerCircle means you are sustaining single parents as they go back to school, earn degrees, and achieve self-sufficiency!

Whether you can afford hundreds or just a few dollars a month, your reliable contribution allows us to respond to Participant needs, throughout the year, and allows us to plan for the future and grow alongside our single parents, where they need us.

Enterprise Zone Tax Credit

Monetary donations over $250 annually may be eligible for a 25% Enterprise Zone Tax Credit offered by the State of Colorado. For more information about this tax credit, please review the Enterprise Zone Benefits of Contributions flier. You should also consult your tax advisor.

In order to process this tax credit for contributions, we must receive the last 4-digits of your SSN and submit form DR75 to Larimer County by January 27, 2024. Contact Connie at 970.829.5263 for more information.

Child Care Tax Credit

Designations to our Child Care Fund may be eligible for a 50% state income tax credit in Colorado, but we must process form DR1317 for you. To learn more, review the Colorado Income 35 Guidelines and consult your tax professional.

Give Your Vehicle

Reliable transportation is critical as single parents take steps to accomplish goals. We are looking for private individuals, car dealerships, and businesses to donate new or used vehicles to the ‘Cars for Families’ Program. All donated cars are given directly to single parent families in need and never sold at auction. This is important as you can maximize your tax deduction with the fair market value of the vehicle. We can provide all of the paperwork and make it easy for you. For more information, download our brochure or email the Program Coordinator.

Vehicle Donation Process

  1. Complete the Cars for Families Donation Form and email the Program Coordinator. For year-end donations, please contact us by December 1st. (If you have a Mac, please print the form to download, then Save As… otherwise the document will be blank when submitted).
  2. We will arrange an inspection for your vehicle by one of our partner contract garages to determine if we can use the car.
  3. You will sign over the title and receive verification of the donation for your tax records.

Give in Kind

Access to computers, printers and other technology is an essential need for most educational programs. If you would like to donate a computer or printer, review these minimum system requirements and guidelines, email the Computer Program Coordinator, and we will contact you.

Give Stock

Donating stock is a way not only to support our mission, but also to gain additional tax benefits. To learn more about donating stock, please click here and also complete the Donor Gift Letter form.

Give to a specific Fund

Unrestricted donations to our General Operating Fund allow the greatest flexibility to meet the ever-changing needs of our families, however, we honor that our donors may want to impact our success in a specific area.

We have established funds to support both our single parents and their children. These funds are accessible during each stage in our program, and in place to meet targeted needs for each family:

  • Discover & Actualize Fund (during career planning and job search)
  • Strengthen Scholarship Fund (during adult education)
  • Child Care Fund (for child care needs)
  • Cool Kids Fund (for kids’ new, back-to-school clothing)
  • Boundless Children’s Fund (for kids’ after-school activities)
  • Holiday Fund (for family under-the-tree gifts)

Give and get a Corporate Match

Does your company offer a matching gift program? This is a great way to maximize your donation and make your philanthropic dollars go further. We currently have corporate match accounts through Benevity, Bank of America, and Easy Match. Please contact us to help set this up or to get verification for your donation to submit to your company.

Give through a Third-Party Fundraiser

Are you interested in coordinating a fundraiser to support our mission? There are many options for hosting community fundraisers to benefit our programs and we want to hear your ideas to partner. Review the Third Party Event Guidelines and if it’s a good fit, complete the Third Party Event Form and email to Lyndsey, Development Director, at least 30 days prior to the event and we will be in touch. Thank you for your interest.

Give beyond your lifetime

Estate planning. Planned giving. What do these terms really mean? Essentially these are other ways to impact our work beyond your lifetime. Planned estate gifts help ensure the future success of Project Self-Sufficiency and offer membership into our Carraher Society. The Carraher Society was named after long-time Executive Director Mary Carraher. Members of The Carraher Society, just like Mary, are essential in helping sustain our mission long into the future through legacy and estate planned gifts.

These days, there are a number of tools and options available to give cheaper, easier and smarter as well as broaden your impact on Project Self-Sufficiency. For example, you can make a gift that pays you income. You can make a gift that provides a tax deduction. You can make a gift that does both. You can designate a portion of your estate to Project Self-Sufficiency or name us as a recipient of your IRA charitable rollover. Contact Tracy Mead to discuss options that may be right for you.

Privacy Policy/Donor Privacy

We will not sell, share or trade our donors’ names or personal information with any other entity, nor send mailings to our donors on behalf of other organizations. This policy applies to all information received by Project Self-Sufficiency of Loveland-Fort Collins, both online and offline, on any Platform (“Platform”, includes the Project Self-Sufficiency website), as well as any electronic, written, or oral communications. To the extent any donations are processed through a third-party service provider, our donors’ information will only be used for the purposes necessary to process the donation.

Privacy Policy